
This subcommand can be used to list waiting to start and running matches currently present in the lobby:

$ coco -s wss://code.colosseum.cf/ lobby

This will print a table with information about the matches:

  • ID: the unique identifier of the match;
  • Verified: whether the game has been created by a server admin;
  • Name: the name of the match;
  • Game: the game to be played;
  • Players: the number of currently connected players over the number of players needed to start the match;
  • Spectators: the number of currently spectators connected to this match;
  • Timeout: the timeout (in seconds) for players send some (valid) data before getting forcibly disconnected by the server;
  • Password: whether a password is needed to join the match;
  • Timing: expiration information for waiting to start matches and running time for running matches.